A PSA about GSA

Caitlin Cullinane, Staff Writer

One thing needs to be set straight (no pun intended).  The GSA club is important.  Oh, what is GSA you ask?  You know, that club that not many people pay attention to. Yeah, that one.  GSA is about teens coming together, no matter what they identify as, and supporting each other through the dark period known as ‘adolescence’.  Joining the GSA is about helping other students who are struggling with their sexual identities make their way through high school.  It’s about helping those kids make it out alive and knowing that being who they are isn’t wrong.

So what does the GSA actually do?  Ever heard of AIDs Walk?  It’s this huge event in NYC where thousands of people show up and walk for almost 6.2 miles through the streets and Central Park to raise money and show their support for those with HIV.  Although there is still a common misconception that the HIV only affects certain populations in our society, anyone can contract it.  The AIDs Walk raises money to find a cure for ALL people.  If you’re willing to join the cause, we’re willing to accept your help.

I know, I know.  AIDs Walk is once a year.  What do we do the rest of the year you ask?  We do bake sales and other fundraisers in order to stockpile enough money to donate to the foundation that runs AIDs walk every year.

Supporting each other is the point of the GSA.

So is accepting each other for who we are and who we identify as.  That’s the point of GSA.  Just being a good person and not forcing small-minded ideas of what people should be and how they should act.   That’s the point of GSA.

So hopefully that’s cleared up a little bit of the fog that surrounds the Gay/Straight Alliance and now you know that GSA isn’t just the local “Gay Club”.