As a wave of new freshmen continues into NPHS, new homework standards and issues about time management arise. The transition from middle school to high school provides a lot of challenges, a major one being in homework assignments. High school students are faced with much more of a workload, with more advanced classes and grade requirements.
As many freshman discover, an overload of work can cause anxiety. According to a survey done by the American Psychological Association, teens suffer from higher levels of stress than adults.
“I think it’s a lot more homework and it’s just a lot,” said Maelle Zussa, a 9th grade student at NPHS.
“Homework usually takes two or three hours. I also use the study hall to finish my homework,” said Maddy DiQuollo, another ninth grader.
Anaya Remugia, another freshman said: “Honors biology and geometry give me a lot of homework to do.”
Stress can cause students to not put as much effort into homework, causing their grades to drop lower than wanted, making it essential for teens to manage their time as well as possible.