It’s Time For Cosmetic Brands To Stop Falsely Advertising Their Products

Lacey Schmidt, staff writer

Over the past 50+ years, the beauty industry has evolved greatly and continues to gain more and more attention as the years progress. However, with that popularity also comes constant speculation about just how good the products we put on our skin, in our hair, and on our face truly are for our health. And surprisingly enough, much of that speculation has been researched and proven to be accurate. 

One of the first major issues within the makeup industry that was first noted all the way back in the late 1900s, is the mineral substance Talcum (Talc) being used in various makeup products. Talc is a powder substance that is found within the Earth, and is still commonly found in many baby powders to this day. 

Talc is harmful for humans to inhale due to the fact that it frequently contains asbestos, which is likely to lead to different types of cancers over time. It is not guaranteed that any cosmetic company is consistently using safe Talc in their products for various reasons including budget, company value, or location. 

Because of that, it is greatly important for all you makeup consumers out there to read the ingredient list of that powder-based product you want before you take it off the shelf. It could save you extra years of life and good respiratory health. 

In addition to harmful substances and chemicals being found in makeup products, the products you use that are intended to create an extra layer or “protect” your skin from makeup have been found to not be so safe either.

Skincare products are solely intended to benefit and promote healthy, clean skin. Right?

Well unfortunately that’s not always the case. While everyone’s skin is very different, it is important to make sure that you are buying products that you know are fit for your skin specifically. 

For example, if you have dry skin, you’re going to want to lean towards using products that are mostly targeted towards hydration. On the flip side, if your skin tends to be oily throughout the day you want to use products that are mostly intended to control oil production and clear your skin.

While many skincare products advertise what skin type they are intended for, sometimes those labels can hide what ingredients the product is actually made up of. 

“Pore clogging” ingredients are ingredients that can be found in skincare products that aren’t actually beneficial for your skin in the long run. These ingredients can include essential oils, shea butter, fruit or plant extracts, beeswax, and many more.

Think about it, if you were buying moisturizer or cream for your face and you read on the ingredient list that it contained beeswax or shea butter, would you really still want to put it on your face everyday? 

Shea butter is commonly found in body lotion due to how thick it is, and beeswax is only intended to be used in chapstick or lip products due to its waxy consistency. Both of these substances don’t even sound like appealing things to sit on your face for extended periods of time. 

In addition to ingredients that are too heavy for the face, harsh chemicals, strong fragrances, dyes, and alcohol should also never be on an ingredient list of a skincare product in your routine. These are bound to remove the natural oils from your skin, leaving your skin very dry and prone to sun damage over time. 

When it comes to using makeup or skincare products in the 21st century, it has become clear that everyone should be examining their products carefully before purchasing. And while we may not be able to do much about the company’s faults, we can all prevent harm to ourselves by avoiding products that we know are bad for us.