My Birthday is in July. You would expect me to think summer is my favorite season just because of my birthday and the warm weather. It’s up there, but it’s not number 1. Winter in my opinion is the best season, because life gets more exciting. The snow days, holidays, sports playoffs, and snowboarding makes life more thrilling. As much as I get tired of the cold weather, the overall vibe when winter comes around is the best and cannot be beaten.
When your parents get that phone call in the morning before school, getting informed that school is canceled, it’s one of the best feelings ever. A good reason for winter being the best season is snow days. A study found that, ”However, policy data collected from the 35 states with the highest average annual snowfall suggests that while more schools are using remote learning days instead of canceling classes, the traditional snow day is far from extinct.” Remote days at home have become a popular alternative to snow days since COVID-19, but the traditional snow day feeling is still very popular amongst many US states.
I‘m allergic to pollen. Every single spring my nose is stuffy. I’m sneezing. I have itchy eyes and throat, and a lot more. Another benefit of winter is not having to deal with any seasonal allergies, and your brain functioning optimally. Dr. John A. Billion from Maryland PrimaryCare Physicians claims that, “Plants don’t make pollen in the winter, so we allergy sufferers generally feel better in cold weather.”
He goes on to say: “There’s evidence suggesting our brains work better at cooler temperatures. 62 degrees is the best for school children to learn, and other research found that people study better when the weather is cold.”
Winter also comes with increased amounts of sleep. Lena Borrelli of CNET claims that, “A recent survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine shows that 34% of Americans report sleeping more in the winter.”
Borrelli also stated, ”It all has to do with the sun and our body’s circadian rhythms. According to a recent study from researchers at the Charité Medical University of Berlin, the sun sets the human body’s clock. When the length of day and light exposure changes, our bodies change in response, craving the sleep that normally comes with the night.”
The shorter days of winter help create sleep that everyone wants. Increased amounts of sleep can lead to stronger immune systems, lower weight, better mental health/mood.
I asked some of my friends about their opinions on winter. Some of them thought it was bad, some of them thought it was the best season. Connor Killian said, ”The one thing that holds back winter is having to go to school. Besides that it’s one of the best seasons of the year.”
Winter also comes with some fun activities and holidays. Frank Peralta said, “The holidays, the snow, hockey, sledding, ice fishing, bobsledding, curling, everything about winter is peak.”
Although there are benefits to winter, there are also downsides. One of them is pointed out by MANA Medical Associates, “Cold temperatures that keep people indoors can lead to a lack of exercise and can make people more susceptible to sickness. Being indoors more leads to sedentary habits which can lower resistance to contagious diseases, and germs are more easily spread indoors when people are in close proximity to one another”
The negative effects of winter can be detrimental, but the pros of winter are what make it the best season by far. The snow days, holidays, sports playoffs, snowboarding, better sleep, coziness, is what makes winter the best season by far.