The Gilmore Girls: Always a Good Idea
October 22, 2019
Some of you might recognize the show Gilmore Girls, an American-comedy drama series on Netflix. This show follows a mother and her daughter. The mother Lorelei Gilmore had the daughter Rory(Lorelai) Gilmore when she was 16, and has since then moved out of her parents house, and lives with her daughter who is at the start of the series 16-years-old. The series begins with Rory starting at the private school Chilton. Lorelei and her best friend Sookie, a chef, work at the Independence Inn. Finally there is Luke, the owner of a Diner in town, which Lorelei and Rory visit everyday, multiple times a day. They all live in a very small town called Stars Hollow.
Gilmore Girls is a realistic, lovable, and comforting show that you can watch over and over again all day long. It is a show that showcases the loving bond between a mother and daughter. It has many funny moments that are showcased through the mother-daughter pair’s actions and words. There are also many lovable parts because all the characters in the show have loving qualities. For example, when Lorelai and Rory go to Luke’s you can be sure that there is going to be a fun and loving moment that happens. The show is also realistic in some parts because the show showcases the lives of mother and daughter. It shows real events that might happen to you when you are in high school. You are able to see what they do about it, and it comforts you to know that there are other people out there that are having similar problems to those being featured in this show. This show has the ability to comfort you when you are having a bad day, and just need to calm down and relax. This show can make you feel less stressed and it can make you laugh.
All in all, Gilmore Girls an amazing show that you should watch, and you will love. It is an amazing show with realistic events, loveable characters and places, and can always help to calm you down whenever you are having a bad day.