New Art Teacher, a Life-long Learner
Ms. Khan’s journey to becoming a teacher, her experiences being a teacher, and her current life.
October 24, 2019
Ms. Khan is the new art teacher at New Providence High School and she is a life-long learner.
At the high school, she teaches drawing and sculpture. She has a Master’s degree in Fashion and Design from F.I.T and a Master’s Degree in Fine Art Education from Kean University. She strives to be a life-long learner. She loves to try new things like going fishing, which she tried for the first time last summer. Furthermore, she loves to teach art, go on hikes, read, and she loves her family.
Ms. Khan’s hobbies include going “hiking […], going to the beach whenever [she] possibly can, eating but not cooking, [and] trying to find time for yoga and meditation.” She likes to take her family and dogs on long walks. She also aspires to visit India for “the people, food, history, architecture, and animals”
Ms. Khan also hopes to continue teaching in public school, but she’d also like to be an art student again herself, because she wants to further her understanding of art: “I want to become more familiar with ceramics and wheel throwing (working on the potter’s wheel) [and] I’d like to become a better cook.”
However, teaching art is not the only thing that she wants to do with the rest of her life: “I love real estate and home staging, if I ever find spare-time, home staging and interior color design is something I would like to explore as a side business in the future.”
If she weren’t teaching art she could imagine herself “back in fashion working on color palettes, prints, and fabric!”
Ms. Khan loves teaching here at the high school. She was unsure what to expect when coming to teach here because previously she taught elementary school. Here at the high school, she is able to use more interesting materials with older kids.
Ms. Khan learned to love art when she was in high school: “I didn’t think I wanted to study art until I had more studio courses in high school.” She then realized how much she loved art, specifically her favorite art styles, which include twentieth-century art and art and design. Ms. Khan likes to draw with a pencil and creating assemblage art which is art that is made with found or recycled materials. When she moved on to college she moved from art to fashion. She likes fashion because it not only exposed her to art, but also to the creative and business side of things. She is sure she made the right choice in coming to New Providence, however: “[I am] planning to continue teaching next year and beyond. I am transitioning from a career in fashion design. Teaching is where I see the next phase of my career headed. I am excited for the new challenges it brings!”