Do Sports Affect Academics?
December 13, 2022
For the class of 2023, the highs chool experience has been out of the ordinary in terms of academics. Halfway through our freshman year we went into lockdown and spent a lot of time adapting to virtual learning and other obstacles. Activities such as sports were generally not in the picture.
Now in our senior year things have gone back to normal with sports being on a five or six day a week schedule. I wanted to hear students’ opinions on balancing academics with sports. Most students said their grades have improved and sports have positively impacted this progression.
I spoke to several students who all participate in Varsity Sports. Jade Yu (trace and field) Claire DeSarno (lacrosse and cheer), Scarlett Granger (soccer), Grace Kelly (soccer, basketball and lacrosse) and Emma Garrity (basketball).
Jade Yu: “Sports have helped my grades because I feel more motivated and focused on my work when I get home from practice.”
Claire DeSarno: “During my sports seasons, I find my academic performance is not as good because I am tired after practices or games, and have less energy to do my work.”
Scarlett Granger: “During soccer season, I have more time to focus on assignments and study during my sports study”
Grace Kelly: “During my sports season, I have more motivation to get my work done after practices and games because it gives me a schedule”
Emma Garrity: “Having practice everyday keeps me active and energized which helps me when it comes to school and studying as opposed to when I am not in season.”
A study from the University of Rochester found that, “exercise increases blood flow to the brain and helps the body build more connections between nerves, leading to increased concentration, enhanced memory, stimulated creativity, and better-developed problem solving skills. In short, playing sports helps your brain grow and makes it work better.”
This study makes sense of the students’ opinions that sports have helped them academically and given them more energy and motivation to get their work done.
Overall, most students found after school sports to help them academically, and although it takes up a good amount of time out of their week, it did not seem to get in the way of studying or completing work and getting good grades, and even helped increase these grades.