Senioritis Strikes NPHS

Cecilia Mancilla, staff writer

As seniors start committing to schools or already have committed and the school year coming to an end, it seems like every year seniors lose their motivation to try in school. It’s called senioritis, sort of like a “disease” that hits every senior during the few months before graduation. 

Many seniors are happy that they finally committed to their college and some feel there’s really no point in trying hard in particular classes.

“I feel less motivated  because I’ve been accepted to college and have nothing to do but graduate,” Rachel DeBay said. 

“Depends on the class. I do try my hardest in every class. However, there are definitely some classes that resonate more. I definitely feel most motivated in my favorite subject,” Alicia Shi stated.

Some seniors said that electives feel less stressful for them, but they are also aware that attendance is very important for graduation.

Katelyn Killian said: “I love how most of my classes are electives so I have less work which mean less stress but I definitely make sure to show up because I know being late can build up to absences.”

There are some seniors that are still working hard.

Katerina Wachtel pointed out some reasons not to succumb to seniority’s: “We only have a month left until graduation so why not just get it over with and keep doing my work so I don’t have to worry about finals and enjoy my break.”