It is the beginning of November, which means Thanksgiving is coming up, with all of the turkey, gravy, apple pie, pumpkin pie, and cornbread. Thanksgiving is lots of people’s favorite holiday because they eat lots and lots of food.
Although there is a stereotypical menu and tradition that we all expect from this holiday, we might be surprised to learn how other families celebrate.
For example, turkey is a very universal food on Thanksgiving, but NPHS freshman Nate Monney said his family does the unexpected on Thanksgiving: “ No one in my family really likes turkey at all, my mom, dad, sister, brother, no one likes it. So we switched to rabbit for one year. And ever since, we have always had rabbits.”
Some families make a habit of moving the party from house to house every year. Freshman Kevin Reilly’s family stays put: “ Every single year we go to my aunt’s house on my mom’s side. My dad’s side also comes to my aunt’s house. It is a whole extended family party.
At least we can all agree on dessert, right? There’s nothing controversial about the fact that pumpkin pie is the greatest Thanksgiving food ever. Except in families where it isn’t.
“My family does not have pumpkin pie, only sweet potato,” said Phys Ed teacher Mr. Manns.