The New Providence Board of Education held its annual election on November 7. Two candidates were running for two seats, each to serve a three year term.
Because Amanda Betz Marano and Kristen Empson-Hayden ran unopposed, not surprisingly, they both won.
In an interview with TAPInto, Marano said her goals are related to restoring what was lost during the pandemic: “Addressing learning loss, social and emotional health and necessary infrastructure updates are three areas that have taken on expanded focus and have required a different type of approach than a pre-pandemic era.”
Another one of her goals is to find the right replacement for Superintendent of Schools Dr. Miceli, who announced he will be retiring at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
First time Board of Ed member Empson-Hayden said that: “One of my big priorities is to complete the 2022 Bond Referendum projects within the next year. The final piece that we’re anticipating being completed by the start of the 2024/25 school year is the HVAC updates for all education spaces in each building and the HS/MS Auditorium. After those are completed, we can assess our budget to map out completing cafeterias and gymnasiums in all three school buildings.”
Last year a bond referendum was implemented which raised taxes slightly in order to give the BOE money for a number of upgrades to the schools, including the HVAC system, new floors, and new student furniture.