Cooper Fischbeck: Performer Extraordinaire

Robbie Maisch, staff writer

The scene is set, the spotlights shine, and the curtains pull away as New Providence High School senior and theatre star Cooper Fischbeck stands tall and confident on stage.

Fischbeck is a notable and recognizable presence both on and off the stage at NPHS.   As a graduating senior, he is leaving behind a legacy of both performance and leadership in the Music and Performing Arts Department that will be hard to replace.

Fischbeck has had a part in several plays throughout his high school career in theatre, such as his personal favorite: Clue. He stated that his role in this play, that of a British butler character, was the most enjoyable role that he has played; though it is far from the only one. In the Fall 2021 play, Harvey, Fischbeck was cast as “Doctor Sanderson”. His success in both roles was profound, and he claims that the key to his strong performances on stage is “the ability to be confident on stage. Even if you’re playing a coward, if you’re confident in how you’re portraying them it’ll come off well to the audience”.

But behind all of the beauty lies the harsh truth. Fischbeck detailed that “it takes a very long time to create a production”, and that throughout the process “the schedule gets very intense”. Days of rigorous practicing and rehearsals are certainly taxing, but Fischbeck noted that “those days are kinda necessary to make it the best it can be,” and that it is all worth it when he is “able to hang out with everyone else that does the show”.

Fischbeck also takes part in the marching band and select choir. As the drum major of the marching band, Fischbeck stated that his favorite part about being in the band is how he is “able to lead and make a difference”. Especially as a result of the immense success that the marching band has seen, it is certainly clear that a difference is being made. 

Fischbeck stated as well that “the competitive success doesn’t matter as much to me; it’s more that everyone is enjoying themselves and having a better experience”. 

In everything he does, Fischbeck feels “support from the school staff and community” behind him.