Junior Class Raising Money for Senior Year

Jiselle Mateo, staff writer

Senior year is a time to reflect on the hard work you’ve accomplished in high school and celebrate the years ahead. There are many fun and exciting school activities to help seniors honor the occasion, but raising the money for each event isn’t easy. That’s where the Student Council comes in.  In the years before 12th grade, the Student Council raises the money needed to pay for those activities. 

According to Rick Polatschek, president of the class of 2024, the importance of the student council goes beyond just setting up fundraisers: “We help improve the experience of going to our high school and being a part of the Class of 2024.”

Fundraising is, however, a main part of the Student Council.  The activities sponsored by the Student Council include the prom and the Senior Breakfast.  

Mrs. Khan, co-advisor of the Class of 24 said: “Any proceeds we make go towards senior year activities.” 

One thing the Council  has to do is balance coming up with what people would like and making sure it is affordable and profitable.  Year-to-year they see what sales worked the most, and which didn’t. One of the most successful fundraisers are the popsicles and T-Shirt sales. Some of the other events they’ve done include bake sales, and craft night.

Mrs. Khan says the Student Council tries to make “somewhere between $1500 and $2000 yearly.”

For some fundraisers all classes will team up, or the Student Council will join with another club and split the profits. One of the fundraisers they did this for is a bake sale paired up with the National Art Society, in March.

Monthly meetings are organized to get together with all of the members to plan and set ideas. 

Polatschek said:  “As President I organize and run events and fundraisers for my class through collaborating with teachers and fellow students. Treasury and Secretary members take notes of what is discussed each meeting, our Co VP-Communication member works on the outreach for our events, and our Co VP-Programing member works on more of the organization aspect of our events.”

Keeping meetings fluid is a big accomplishment for them. As high school students and teachers there are many conflicts that affect scheduling.

Mrs. Khan explained: “It’s very rare that everyone could be in one place at the same time with sports and other clubs and activities that everyone does.  For example, if Rick is not available then David, AJ, or Alexa can jump in.”