Open Lunch: Why Can’t Underclassmen Go Out?

Jiselle Mateo, staff writer

At New Providence High School, juniors and seniors enjoy a notable perk and privilege with open lunch. However, many students question why all high school grades can’t revel in the freedom of lunch off campus. 

Principal Brian Henry said: “This right was set up in 2018-2019 to give a privilege and show of gratitude to upperclassmen.”

Mr. Henry also stated that part of the reason they can go out for lunch is because they can drive. 

In the past, open lunch was only allowed for one marking period a year, but it ultimately changed to include the entire school year.

“We thought it would give juniors and seniors a sense of freedom, and also it gives the lunch ladies knowledge of how much food they have to make,” said Mr. Henry.

If freshman and sophomores were allowed to attend open lunch, Mr. Henry says it could cause a few problems. Students would get back to school late because the restaurants in town would become overcrowded with more kids. 

During COVID students got a taste of the freedom when the rules changed for open lunch, and included all middle and high school students. Now, some want it back.

Freshman Catalina Solis Garcia is one of them. “I think it’s unfair that freshmen, just like sophomores, are unable to have open lunch because last year we were able to go out, and now we can’t.”

Freshman Stefanny Lizano said: “I think we should be able to have open lunch because it would allow students to go into town and eat whatever they want.”

Lizano added that it would also be nice to get a breath of fresh air.

In the end, rules are rules, and for now, these freshmen will have to wait it out for another two years.