For years, schools across New Jersey have gotten days off during the annual NJEA Teacher Convention. Nobody’s ever questioned it. But what even is the Teacher Convention? Do any NPHS teachers actually go? Should we really get those days off?
Mr. Bennington, world language teacher at NPMS, said: “ The Teacher Convention is a weekend in November where all the teachers in New Jersey have the opportunity to go get professional development in their field or even outside of their field.”
Bennington attends the convention, and personally likes to walk the convention floor.
He said: “They have all kinds of vendors trying to sell you their products, but sometimes they give away free samples of things, which is nice.”
Additionally, he said: “You can sign up for newsletters or different contests to go on, and there’s also workshops that you can attend.”
The NJEA Convention is a huge gathering for teachers across the state, typically gathering over 20,000 people. But when it comes to NPHS/MS, how many teachers really go?
Turns out, not that many. Thirteen out of fifteen teachers asked said they do not go to Teacher Convention.
“Although there may be more, I only know around ten people in this school that go,” said Bennington.
However, he noted that the amount of teachers who attend usually depends on the year.
So, should we still have November 9-10 off despite the minimal amount of convention attendees from here? Or should these days off be moved somewhere else?
One NPHS student, Hannah Priolo, said: “The teachers’ convention break shouldn’t be moved because it’s a nice break to end the first marking period. Plus, because it gives teachers here the opportunity to go to the convention if they want to.”
Social studies teacher Mr. Kempner said: “Yes, we should get those days off. I say this because the people that choose to go there are participating to some degree or there are certain talks or professional development opportunities that they seek out. I also think the timing of the break makes sense too because students and faculty get to have a bit of a break before the second marking period starts.