MR. WEBBER: “Relive any memory? I go to moments of challenge, like when I go to memories, I go to moments of strife. I’m thinking about the moment where I lost one of the most important soccer games to me in high school at New Providence. I also go to the moment where my first dog died. I’d like to relive just because it’s something that stayed with me for so long and the feelings that arose because of it have lasted and I’d like to experience it again and why those moments were so powerful to me.”DINARA SHERIDAN: “Well there was one time, where I had a nightmare when I was little. So I ran downstairs and sat on the couch next to my mom and she turned on Finding Nemo for me to watch.”
CASSIDY MISHKIND: “Well, I guess I liked to travel a lot. And now that traveling is restricted, I miss going on trips like that. While sightseeing was never really something that I got into, it was nice to get away and go on vacation in a new place every once in a while. And it was fun to do whatever there was to do wherever we went, especially in Mexico. But now there’s COVID, and High School, so I don’t know. Simpler times, I guess.”
MAX ORTIZ: Even though his main sport is tennis, Max would like to relive his freshman year Cross Country Sectional Finals, where he was “really looking forward to having a PR [personal record] that day”, and even though the weather wasn’t looking good, “it was just an awesome experience and [. . .] we really pushed ourselves during the race and afterwards as well”.Mrs. DiGirolamo (Senora D): Senora would like to relive the last memory that she had with her mother, before moving to the United States from Nicaragua. When asked if she would rather have stayed in Nicaragua to be there when her mother passed, Senora responded that she is “not the type of person who regrets making decisions”, she is the “kind of person who [. . .] always [. . .] [tries] to see the positive in things”.
MATTHEW MELHUISH: “It would be performing with the marching band at Disney World spring break 2019. All my friends, and marching down Main Street with the whole entire drum line, it’s just a really cool experience. If I hadn’t done marching band all four years of high school, I definitely would be a different person because I probably would have been a four year football player throughout high school, my friend group probably would have been completely different. Again, because a lot of my friends did marching band, it forced be to be who I am now. I wouldn’t really know Mr. N, the band teacher. He’s a great role model to everyone.”RACHEL DEBAY: “I personally enjoyed [Disney] because you know Epcot. It was very pretty there and the food was amazing.”MRS. PASUIT: “I had the opportunity to work on the Body Farm in Tennessee. it was such a fun time and definitely a learning experience!”CALI PUCCI: “Whenever I’m down the shore, it is always happy with nothing to worry about and it is just a carefree time.”
MS. BERRIOS: “I think that the moment that I would relive is most likely my prom from my senior year, because listening to the seniors now talk about all their problems is making me very nostalgic. It’s a memory that brings me a lot of happiness. My dress was like a baby pink color, with silver sparkles all over it. I had a date, my High School boyfriend at the time. If I could have chaperoned this prom I would have.”
NICOLE DANYSH:“If I had to relive any moment, well, I think I would relive my year of kindergarten. The one vivid memory I have is when we took a class field trip to go pick apples and I got really excited, I passed out. I was so pumped that I passed out and had to go home. If I could relive this moment, I would redo it and not pass out because afterwards, I really missed out. All I remember is waking up in the nurse’s office and being taken home. It was a big sad moment for my kindergarten self, but now I just think it’s funny.”GENESIS RAMIREZ: “The moment I got my college acceptance letter, just because it was a big moment of relief right there. December 13, 2020. I was in my friend’s car when I got an email. It said status update, but it wasn’t supposed to come out for a couple of days, which was already weird to me. When I open the email. It was my letter. I assumed I was going to get deferred. Like I was just expecting a deferral. But, I actually got accepted into Georgetown!!”
DAN ARANDA: “Okay, so it was like this one time when I was at a restaurant in New York, […] and we watched the “Miracle at Minnesota” […] I was with all of my family to watch an exciting game of football, and football was a game that bonded all of us together, me and my extended family who is with us. I’m a Giants fan, they’re a Patriots fan so we all love the game of football, and to be able to share a moment like that was pretty exciting.”NAHUM ARNET: “I will always remember that [last] game because it was one of those games where it was back and forth, and our bench was screaming and we were, we were trying to cheer on our team, and it was being a senior that was like the last game, and it was kind of emotional because I didn’t realize I’m never going to be able to play soccer, like with my teammates like that again. Just the whole soccer season was really special. Being able to practice and be competitive and be able to play, being able to play with my teammates and seniors that I might not be able to see for the next few years. So, the whole soccer season is something I would really like to relive.”
KEIRA ARNOLD: “One thing I would want to relive would be when I went to my cousin’s house, and then me and my family came home played board games and ate ice cream all night. It just reminds me of how simple things used to be.”