Schools Need a Palette Change
January 19, 2023
Should schools be more decorated? Many schools have bland brick walls with single colored lockers. The designs are bland and can be hard to look at for a long time. It can sometimes put people to sleep as it doesn’t have much stimulus. Schools need to add more color and life into the school’s design.
More decorated rooms feel more lively to the human eye and will provide stimulus to students. Stimulus keeps the kids awake and ready to learn. Colors can also induce emotions in people. The colors can keep students awake, and can put students at ease or into a good mood. According to the article “Colors and Emotions: How Colors Make You Feel” from 99Designs: “The way different colors can affect emotions depends largely on a color’s brightness, shade, tint or tone and whether it’s cool or warm toned.”
Decoration can also allow students to express their creativity. They can create their own types of art around the school. It gives the students a sense of freedom to draw out what they want. The school would be filled with more life, as it can show how people express themselves. Schools always try to instill creative minds into their students. Letting them decorate the school is a perfect way to give them that opportunity.
It’s always important to let students express themselves. The school’s white brick and tiles put students to sleep, as the boring and repeating patterns are not enough to keep students interested. Adding color to the hallways and rooms will create a perfect environment for the students to enjoy their surroundings.