Meet Your New Providential Editors!
Left to Right: Franklin, Hayden, Kalina
September 28, 2021
The start of the school year means there is a new Editorial Board at The Providential. These important positions are held by three experienced writers who will help our staff writers produce their own pieces, as well as manage other aspects of the publication of The Providential.
Franklin Markel, a senior at NPHS, is the Sports Editor. He writes weekly content on the progress of each team, as well as their long term standings.
Kalina Kornacki, another senior, is the Photo & Multimedia Editor. She is in charge of photojournalism, as well as podcasts, and the presentation of other non-text media.
Hayden LaRocque Green, a junior at NPHS, is the Features Editor. She writes features on any New Providence news, as well as important global events.
All three journalists are excited for what’s to come this year for the Providential! They hope to add more aspects to the website and make the newspaper more well known!
If you are interested in writing for the paper, please contact one of the editors.