Will Audiobooks Replace Print Copies?

Olivia Mangel, staff writer

Audiobooks have increased in popularity over the past few years. But why? For a start, they are easily accessible, low cost, and you didn’t have to worry about the spread of COVID during the midst of the pandemic. Is it possible that audiobooks will completely replace hard copies in the future?

To begin with, audiobooks are way easier to get access to, especially for people with visual impairments, who might find it hard to come by Braille texts. For many, work and school hours have the possibility to interfere with their ability to go to the library to get a hard copy. Many libraries are not in areas that are walkable for people looking to borrow a book, but the patrons might not have access to a car.

Audible by Amazon provides access to unlimited audiobooks for only 15 dollars a month, and you never have to worry about a book not being in stock.

In summary, there are many reason as to why audiobooks are quite likely to replace hard copies in the upcoming years.