Winter – and Your Future – is Coming

Kevin Stinchcomb, Staff Writer

Halloween normally serves as a night of fun for all ages.  However, this year as a high school senior, Halloween could possibly be the most stressful night of the school year.  Depending on your level of procrastination, Halloween is the last night to work on your November 1 college application deadline.  November 1 deadlines usually are reserved for top-choice schools, especially for students applying early decision.  However, the last day of October also serves as the first day of a long, long waiting period.  Seniors will have to sit idly by for another month and a half while the fate of their college lives is on the line.  High school students face a December 15 notification deadline from some of their early decision and early action schools. Although the wait may seem like the worst part of the college application process, I believe that the worst part is yet to come.  Somehow this Halloween signified the appropriate beginning of the Thanksgiving and Holiday season.  And yes, that means distant relatives from all over and dreadful Holiday parties with people you’ve only seen once in your life.  While most seniors do love the holidays and spending time with friends and family, these get-togethers also serve as a brutal prosecution about your future.  You’ll have to explain the list of schools you’re applying to dozens of time.  You’ll get about 162 questions about what you might want to study when you get into college.  

Some great-uncle will try to make a joke about the stressful application process and you’ll have to politely laugh and agree even though you’re fuming on the inside.

I know that we should be appreciative of the fact that we have the opportunity to apply to college and appreciate that people do care about your future.  However, when all you have talked about with your friends, family, and even complete strangers is college for the last year and a half of your life, it is understandable to be annoyed and have that typical teenage angst when someone asks you for the hundredth time what you think you’ll major in. So to all of my fellow seniors dreading the family time this holiday season, remember we’re all feeling the same amount of anxiety toward the college process.  Here’s some advice:  Smile and hold a conversation, don’t give one or two word evasive responses.  Laugh along and brag about yourself and all of the amazing schools that you’re applying to.  Do your best to be engaging, those people who are asking really do care about your college plans.  Before you know it its decision day will be here and you won’t have to worry about talking about college anymore, of course until the next application deadline.