Does Bigfoot Really Exist?


David Gaeta, staff writer

The thought of a massive ape-like creature roaming America’s forests has captivated the country for over 70 years. The legend of Bigfoot has influenced the media through movies and shows, receiving lots of attention. But even after all this time, it is safe to say the Sasquatch does not really exist.

In 1958, the concept of Bigfoot first rose to popularity when large footprints were found in California by a man named Ray Wallace. Smithsonian Magazine explains that he finally revealed the tracks as a hoax in 2002, but many other sightings have been reported.

Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin recorded the most popular piece of potential evidence in 1967. The duo shared a several second long video of a tall, hairy creature moving on two legs. Skeptics believe the figure is a man in a costume, but others say it is too large. Although it has not been proven to be fake, the famous video has been up for debate for decades.

According to Live Science, 10,000 eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot in the United States have been reported over the last 50 years, but there is still not any substantial proof. Many of these sightings are from memory and do not include photos or videos. Most individuals most likely mistook an animal in the trees for Bigfoot when they thought they glimpsed it. Those who claim to have heard Bigfoot making noise often are actually hearing animals such as wolves and foxes. 

In addition to the multitude of incorrect accounts, photos and videos taken are often discovered to be fake, or just of wild animals. The desire to fuel the Sasquatch craze leads people to edit photographs and fabricate their stories. 

There is not nearly enough evidence to indicate that Bigfoot exists, but people want to believe that it is somewhere in the wilderness. The odds of Sasquatch being real are extremely unlikely, as shown by the multitude of fake reports and lack of consistent information. However, the continual obsession with the creature will keep the myth alive for many years to come.