The Real Effect of Social Media on Girls


Sammy Cappuccio, staff writer

Social media has been an important aspect of our lives for years. It is a way to spread information and ideas. However, it has just as many negative effects as it does positive, especially on young girls. 

Social media is filled with images that show young girls unrealistic images of what  they think they should look like. This causes a decline in mental health, even at such a young age. This can have lasting effects on them, and teach them to focus on others rather than on themselves. 

According to “88% of girls say they compare themselves to images in the media and half claim that they feel negatively affected by this.” 

When given access to social media at a young age, these girls will also face the problem of receiving false information. Young girls do not know the difference between accurate and fake information, and don’t know how to fact check. Someone on social media can create a rumor, and young girls will easily believe it. 

Some of these ideas can be harmless, but some of them can be dangerous or hurtful to others.

Social media is also a distraction. Schoolwork and physical activity are very important during this time period. Social media apps such as TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram can take the child’s attention away from schoolwork and sports, which are much more important. Instead of doing their homework or going to practice, they will be glued to scrolling on social media. 

and it isn’t something that can magically go away. 

Overall, social media is detrimental to the mental and physical health of young girls. Before parents allow their child to have access to it, they should be warned of the negative effects that it can have.