Should Schools Have Midterms and Finals?


Lucy Glenn, staff writer

Exams such as midterms and finals have been around for centuries, and across continents.  These tests are utilized to test students’ learning retention. Since their creation, students have found that the effect of midterms and finals are more detrimental than helpful.

Natasha Tierney, an editorial writer for The Oracle, wrote in an article titled “OPINION: Midterm and final exams are unnecessary and unequal” that “finals and midterms are supposed to be indicators of a student’s progress and retention of knowledge in class. However, giving these exams such a heavy impact on grades with little time in between make them an unnecessary source of stress”. 

Studies have shown that these exams can cause health and mental problems that stay with students years after the exams. The formats of these tests can cause high levels of stress and anxiety that can affect a student’s overall ability to perform:  in class and on the test.  

According to “50 Current Student Stress Statistics: 2023 Data, Analysis & Predictions”, a study including information from different schools and colleges, “Finals and midterms accounted as the top source of stress for 31% of U.S. students.”

The stress levels caused by finals and midterms surpassed stress caused by workload and homework, and they force students to reiterate months of learning into a two to three hour test.

An article titled “Students: let’s ditch final exams. They harm our mental health”, the author believes that “burdening students with the stress associated with final exams places these transitioning students in positions of vulnerability. Stress can lead to or intensify conditions such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.”

The repercussions of these standardized tests have led to years of stress and mental health depreciation, which can overall affect a student’s confidence in themselves and their work.

Many have also felt that these exams occur too far apart and students are forced to re-teach themselves information from the beginning of the year or semester. In the article, “Student: let’s ditch final exams. They harm our mental health”, the author states that “these exams, which usually last between two to three hours, are intended to test students on their ability to absorb material from an entire course.”

Finals and midterms are typically given after a semester of work, which is approximately 15 weeks of information.