Getting to Know NP: Ruth


Michael Henry, staff writer


How long have you lived in New Providence?

50 years.

Why do you live in New Providence and what do you appreciate so much about the community here?

Well, we came here 50 years ago from New York for work. And we’ve stayed, my children grow up here. They married. I have two grandchildren in town, one goes to New Providence High School and one graduated. I have two other grandchildren in Springfield, which is also a very nice town. And I wouldn’t leave because I have ties here. And it’s a very quaint town. I know a lot of people and I think people know who’s in town. You’re very comfortable. I feel like you’re very protected in this town. We have a great Police Department, a good fire department, and the emergency squad is very good. I just feel it’s a very friendly town. 

How much of an impact do you think you’ve had throughout all your time here? 

A very good impact. I know so many people in town I almost feel like I grew up with them cause I’ve worked in town for so many years.

Can you describe how the town has changed throughout the 50 years?

The shopping centers changed a lot. We used to have a 5 & 10, we had a bakery, this used to be a private owned pharmacy years ago. Things have changed but some of it’s been for the better. You know, you go with it.