Survey: How is Coronavirus Affecting Your Spring Break?

Olivia Catalano, staff writer

CoronaVirus (COVID-19) has become very extreme since the last couple months, causing schools all over the United States to close. A lot of popular traveling places like California, Italy, and more that families would most likely travel to during spring break are the most affected. There has been confirmation from John Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering, that there have been more than 122,399 cases of COVID-19 worldwide. In North Jersey, the number of cases is rising everyday. 

I conducted a survey and asked freshman students at New Providence High School if they were planning on traveling for spring break or in the summer. Half of those asked said they were definitely traveling, 40% said they were not, and 10% said they were supposed to travel. 

I also asked “Does the CoronaVirus affect your Spring Break/Summer plans?” In response, 20% said yes COVID-19 does affect their plans, 30% said it does not affect their plans, and 50% said it might affect their plans. 

Most students were planning to travel to places near New Jersey. But others were traveling to Italy or Spain and had to cancel their trips.