Is Stress A Bad Thing?

Lucy Glenn, staff writer

The term “stress” was originally used in physics, but an endocrinologist named Hans Seyle also identified stress as a way to describe “the nonspecific response of the body to any demand”. He labeled this in 1936, and was the first to describe stress as a mental illness. Stress is a common emotion and all people feel it in response to different kinds of situations, such as having an overwhelming amount of work to complete or changes in one’s life or routine. But if all people experience stress, can it always be classified as a negative emotion?

According to an article titled Stress Management: How to Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Stress: “Stress helps you meet your daily challenges and motivates you to reach your goals, ultimately making you a smarter, happier and healthier person.”

Stress is a vital part of life and can encourage better performance in school, work, and other general situations. Stress can be used as motivation and can lead to a more enjoyable life. Although many students and adults view stress as a negative emotion, there are many situations in which you feel “good stress”.

Good stress, also known as “eustress”, as labeled by Hans Selye, is a common, positive emotion and you can feel it in response to many scenarios.

According to Stress Management: How to Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Stress: “You might feel this type of stress when you ride a roller coaster, compete in a game, or go on a first date.”

Good stress is short-term and it inspires and motivates you, focuses your energy and enhances performance. Good stress can lead to more motivation or inspire you to try something new, providing you with the elated feeling that helps to drive you forward. 

Although some stress is good, too much “can lead to anxiety, confusion, poor concentration and decreased performance,” according to Stress Management: How to Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Stress. This can be labeled as “bad stress”, or distress. This is also a main source and cause of depression. 

The key is to manage your stress levels, which can be done in multiple ways. These ways consist of getting a good rest every night, being active, taking breaks from social media, and practicing deep-breathing.

Doing these things to manage stress can lead to higher dopamine levels, which are decreased when you are feeling negative stress. If you manage and cope with your stress in a healthy manner, you can feel good stress without having to worry about unhealthy stress. 

According to Stress Facts and Statistics: “Regardless of age, sex, ethnicity and religion, no one is immune to the burdens of stress.”